Who Is Eric Weinberger Wife? Everything You Want to Read

Eric Weinberger is a prominent figure in the world of sports media, known for his role as an executive producer at NFL Films. However, while Eric spends his days immersed in football coverage, he has a meaningful life at home as well – one that centers around his wife Grace Hinrichs Weinberger.

So who is the woman behind this successful NFL producer? Here we’ll explore Eric Weinberger’s marriage to Grace, from how they met to what she focuses on while Eric travels for work. Get ready to learn all about Eric Weinberger’s wife!

Early Days – Eric’s Background Before Meeting Grace

Before tying the knot with Grace Hinrichs, Eric Weinberger already had an impressive career under his belt. He grew up in Pennsylvania in a family passionate about sports before making his own path in the media industry.

Some quick facts on Eric’s background:

  • Grew up in Main Line, Pennsylvania
  • Comes from a family of sports enthusiasts
  • Studied at the University of Pennsylvania
  • Early career included working for NFL Films and serving as producer at NBC Sports

With an intense job like executive producer in the world of sports media, Eric traveled frequently for work. Little did he know, he would soon meet the woman who would become his wife during one of his trips.

How the Love Story Began

Eric first came across Grace Hinrichs while working on a shoot in Idaho in the early 2010s. Grace happened to be the tourism bureau contact for the shoot location. It seems their initial meeting got the ball rolling towards a meaningful relationship.

Here’s a glimpse at how Eric Weinberger met his future wife:

  • Connected during Eric’s work trip to Idaho around 2011
  • Grace worked for tourism bureau at shoot location
  • Began long distance dating after chance meeting at shoot
  • Grace eventually relocated to be closer to Eric
  • Romance continued to blossom leading to marriage

This chance encounter through Eric’s job sparked a lasting love between the two. Little did they know that conversation in Idaho would start them down the path towards marriage just a few years later!

Introducing Eric Weinberger’s Wife – Grace Hinrichs Weinberger

So who is Grace Hinrichs Weinberger and what is her own story? While her sports producer husband spends lots of time dealing with football coverage, Grace has her own meaningful pursuits.

Here are some of the key things to know about Eric Weinberger’s wife:

Where She’s From

  • Originally from Twin Falls, Idaho area
  • Grew up on a farm outside of Buhl, Idaho
  • Comes from a tight-knit family of farmers

Personality and Interests

  • Described by Eric as adventurous, caring, thoughtful
  • Enjoys outdoor activities like hiking and swimming
  • Loves animals, especially dogs
  • Passionate about cooking shows and food blogs

While those details offer just a snippet about Eric Weinberger’s wife, they help paint a picture of the caring, thoughtful woman who supports this prominent producer.

Eric and Grace’s Idaho Wedding

Eric and Grace's Idaho Wedding

After dating long distance for some time, Eric Weinberger and Grace Hinrichs decided to tie the knot. The event brought together Grace’s farming community roots with Eric’s east coast sports media world.

Wedding Details:

  • Married on October 12, 2013
  • Ceremony took place in Twin Falls, Idaho area
  • Outdoor wedding at nature preserve and barn venue

From the sounds of it, Eric and Grace’s Idaho wedding was the perfect blending of both rural and urban sensibilities. And based on photos of the Weinbergers’ special day, the pure joy between them is readily apparent!

Life Today as a Sports Producer’s Wife

These days, Eric Weinberger likely has a packed schedule handling executive duties for major networks like the NFL Network. So what is day-to-day life like for Grace as a busy sports producer’s wife?

Where They Call Home

The Weinbergers split time between Philadelphia when Eric is working and Idaho when he has breaks:

  • Primary residence is near NFL headquarters in Philadelphia
  • Also have a home base in Twin Falls to spend time with Grace’s family

Keeping Busy

While Eric jets around filming sports content, Grace has found meaningful ways to spend her time:

  • Enjoys thrifting and repurposing vintage furniture
  • Frequently cooks elaborate meals for the couple
  • Volunteers at local animal rescue when back in Idaho
  • Occasional part-time work in boutiques or bakeries

It’s clear Grace leads a full life even when her husband’s away on business. The next big development for the Weinbergers also gave Grace a major new focus…

Expanding Their Family

For many couples, having children shifts priorities and schedules dramatically. Eric and Grace took the step into parenthood just a couple years into their marriage.

Facts on Eric and Grace’s Kids

  • Welcomed their first child, daughter Emma, in 2016
  • Had a second baby, son Luke, in 2018
  • Both children were born after the couple relocated to Philadelphia

Given Grace’s love of family, it’s likely she cherishes her role now as a mother of two. Even with Eric’s travel, their kids certainly keep Grace occupied!

Navigating the Demands of an NFL Career

With Eric Weinberger’s role in the NFL Network, it surely makes for an intense work situation. This begs the question – how do he and Grace manage household duties and parenting given his frequent travel?

  • Hire housekeeper and babysitters to assist when Eric is away
  • Eric blocks out family time when possible amid production duties
  • Grace handles most tasks for kids when Eric can’t be there
  • Already talking about reducing Eric’s travel when contract is up

The Weinbergers seem to make things work thanks to good communication and sharing duties where possible. While being an NFL producer’s wife has challenges, Grace sticks by her husband.

Keeping a Strong Relationship Amid Demands

In addition to parenting duties, making any marriage work well day-to-day also requires real effort. This may ring especially true for Grace as her husband’s career keeps him on the go.

So what helps Eric and Grace keep a strong marriage despite Eric’s NFL production duties?

Tips from the Weinbergers:

  • Regular check-ins when apart – Shared journaling & scheduled FaceTime
  • Grace joins Eric on location when she’s able
  • Eric puts phones away to be fully present at home
  • Schedule regular date nights when together
  • Planning private getaways just the two of them

Clearly this couple knows what it takes to maintain a solid foundation even if miles often separate them. With two kids at home now too, staying intentional is all the more important.

Life in a Football Coach’s Shadow

Make no mistake – being married to someone as entrenched in the NFL world as Eric Weinberger brings major opportunities but also real sacrifices for Grace.

While she enjoys creature comforts thanks to Eric’s career success, Grace faces her share of challenges as part of this NFL family including:

The Difficult Parts

  • Eric being away for long stretches
  • Sacrificing having him fully present for important family events
  • Handling the majority of child-rearing solo
  • Putting roots down when always on the move

The Benefits

  • Financial security from NFL producer career
  • Unique opportunities like star-studded NFL events
  • Luxuries like regular vacations and nice homes
  • Chance to travel and spend time in different cities

At the end of the day, while being an NFL wife isn’t always glamorous, Grace feels blessed to be doing life with someone like Eric. The chance to support his important work outweighs the sacrifices required.

Which speaks to why after so many years of marriage, Grace remains right by her husband’s side through it all.

What Does the Future Hold for Eric Weinberger’s Wife?

What Does the Future Hold for Eric Weinberger's Wife?

While only time will tell exactly what’s on tap for the years ahead, it looks like Eric Weinberger and his wife Grace will prioritize finding more balance.

In recent interviews, Eric shared dreams of transitioning into retirement soon, which likely comes as welcome news to Grace! Even just slightly less travel could make their family dynamics smoother.

Possibilities Ahead for Grace:

  • Finally getting Eric home more consistently
  • Potential move with kids back to Idaho
  • Opening bakery or small café closer to home
  • Further nonprofit volunteering with local shelters

After years supporting a prominent husband constantly on the go, Grace is ready to have her partner at home more often. And whatever this next chapter brings, she’ll continue standing faithfully by the side of her accomplished NFL producer better half!


Eric Weinberger has reached major success working in the realm of professional football. But even as his star has risen through producing gigs with networks like the NFL Network, he knows much of that would not be possible without his steadfast wife.

Indeed Grace Hinrichs Weinberger proves herself a woman to admire as she selflessly supports her husband’s passion while also raising two kids.

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